Stories Matter

Born and raised in Mexico, Daniela is a bilingual journalist with work featured on local and national media. She has experience writing for broadcast, print, digital and social media. She is the content manager for Discover Atlanta and contributing writer for the LA Times, OZ Magazine and others.


From the Writer

At the age of 6, I walked into a radio station and asked for a job. Best of all. I got it.

No, seriously.

My mother had me taking summer classes at the library next door, so every day I would see the on-air broadcasters through a window. It was love at first sight. I wanted in.

Despite being kindly turned away by the receptionist several times, I kept showing up while waiting on my parents. One day, I hit the jackpot. The radio station's owner walked in and was intrigued by this child asking to speak to him. He gave me an interview on the spot and then gave me an opportunity as co-host of the iconic morning show during my summer break. That little gig turned into a career and went on until this day.

Connecting with an audience and creating content has been my passion for almost three decades. Journalism was my starting point, and 12 years in marketing helped me marry both worlds and successfully create content that connects with an audience in a very intimate and engaging way, creating lasting connections.

With a Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communications, I am currently a journalism grad student at Harvard University, and content manager for Discover Atlanta - always looking for opportunities to tell stories.

Contact Daniela.