Spanish, Feature Daniela Cintron Spanish, Feature Daniela Cintron

Muralistas Latinos en Atlanta

La ciudad de Atlanta se ha convertido en el lienzo de varios artistas de ascendencia Latina que han hecho de esta ciudad su segunda casa. Las calles de Atlanta se han convertido en vitrinas que muestran su talento y arduo trabajo.

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English, Review / Critic Daniela Cintron English, Review / Critic Daniela Cintron

Sin La Habana: A Celebration to Cuban and Afro-Latino Culture With a Beautiful Story of Heartbreak

The Atlanta Jewish Film Festival features Sin La Habana, a story of desperation and yearning featuring three souls hopeful for destiny in a hopeless world. The Canadian-Cuban film might come off as just another story of immigrants finding ways to escape the poverty of their country for a better life somewhere else, but it ends up digging deeper and revealing a story of love, sacrifice, and opportunity.

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