English, Feature Daniela Cintron English, Feature Daniela Cintron

40+ Women Chefs Leading the Culinary Scene in Atlanta

Atlanta’s culinary scene has long been celebrated for its diversity, innovation, and vibrant flavors. While historically male-dominated, the food industry is rapidly evolving, with talented women chefs leading in some of the city’s most renowned kitchens. Meet more than 40 women chefs in leadership positions in Atlanta.

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English, Feature Daniela Cintron English, Feature Daniela Cintron

Discovering Authentic Mexican Food in Atlanta

Mexican food is diverse and complex. Recipes and dishes vary per region, and, often, even by household. That being said, to identify the authenticity of Mexican food, one must look into the ingredients and cooking techniques and be open to the idea that one dish might have many variations that peek into the history of each region. Here are some of my favorite Mexican dishes in the city.

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English, Feature, Review / Critic Daniela Cintron English, Feature, Review / Critic Daniela Cintron

“A Savannah Haunting,” Based on True Paranormal Events

“A Savannah Haunting” is not just a horror film. It’s a horror film based on paranormal, true events. Plot twist: it was filmed in the actual haunted house in Savannah, which also happens to be its creator’s current home. This is a thrilling ride for those seeking suspenseful supernatural drama far from fiction.

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Feature, English Daniela Cintron Feature, English Daniela Cintron

Alexis Louder

Minor roles in Hollywood films became stepping stones for Alexis Louder’s promising career, and then one day she found herself co-starring in a film with Gerard Butler and Frank Grillo. Her hard work paid off, but it doesn’t end there. She is just getting started.

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